Californians will now have to pay more taxes so that illegal immigrants will have low cost auto insurance. Money that is suppose to go towards education and infrastructure for those living in California legally is going to be used to subsidize car insurance for those here illegally.
See Page 2:
How long?
Treason for obumba. Treason. Take back our country.
Cali should never receive any federal money for their stupidity!!!!!!
Of course it’s a black and a Mexican that r giving our money to these unwanted dirtbags
California has to be the number one idiotic state.
equality under the law. do it for every one or no one
When will the money tree that apparently grows in the country stop bearing fruit.
You want to drive,. get citizenship you want to stay, get citizenship you want to get food stamps, get citizenship you want don’t care what you want I am a citizen and until you are you can either do it right or get out and that goes for you Muslims also Ilegal amnesty from an illegal President.
And Americans get poorer. Wonderful plan obama
Ha, ha….way to go “Moonbeam”… are such a “FOOL”…..