Californians will now have to pay more taxes so that illegal immigrants will have low cost auto insurance. Money that is suppose to go towards education and infrastructure for those living in California legally is going to be used to subsidize car insurance for those here illegally.
See Page 2:
I agree Elaine! I think the same thing…they should pay for their OWN insurance. I dont want more hand outs coming out of OUR pockets!
No ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT SHOULD GET A CAR OR DRIVER’S LICENSE!!!!!!!! That give them a free reign on voter fraud with ID!!
Hell no enough is enough
Way to go california. I can cross that state off places to visit. I’ll order my Napa valley online. Smh.
This is wrong they should have to pay the same as anyone else. And they should have to work like everyone else…..
Waiting for the big one to come over there !!!!
well to be honest we need to Deport the Illegals back to where they came from and close and secure the borders if they want to be citizens make them do it the right way or not at all
California is getting the government they deserve- Boxer, Feinstein, Gov. moonbeam, Maxine Waters. Good riddance.
Please, make sure they get everything they need. I would hate for them to have to ask for something.
I would say #%!! to the no!