On April 3, California moved one step closer to becoming a “sanctuary state” when the Senate approved a bill in a 27-12 party line vote. Democrats pushed the legislation through despite passionate testimony against it from a Hispanic woman who chastised senators for considering the measure.
SB 54 now goes to the California State Assembly where Democrats have a super majority. If the bill passes as expected, it then will go to Governor Jerry Brown to be signed into law.
You can learn more and view the stunning testimony provided by the outspoken Hispanic woman on the next page.
Keep all your illegals and refugees no matter if they have committed violent crimes are not and you’ll get what you deserve. By the way no federal funding. Use your own tax dollars.
I hope one of those idiots have a family member killed or maimed by a illegal foreigner
More of our taxes going to illegal activities enough is enough follow the laws of the country or step down. Drain the swamp arrest officials who ignore the laws and deport
Start by closing all Federal Facilities and Military Bases, while stopping all Federal Funding over any and all projects and revoking the passports of everyone living in California.
They have all ready done that by changing the status of violent crimes refusing to follow the law of the land. So why should anyone else need to. News flash some of us still beleive in law and order
It’s been a while since I was in California-has the whole state that crazy or just the politicians
Take away all federal money, federal buildings and federal workers!!!!! Make sure they support themselves!!!!!
This is De Leon and his$#%&!@*family.
How dumb