The issue of “sanctuary cities” is not going away anytime soon. In fact, it looks about to intensify. You know what a sanctuary city is — a place to which illegal immigrants can flee where local officials and law enforcement personnel will work to subvert federal immigration laws by not turning such persons over to federal authorities. In other words, it’s a city that thumbs its nose at federal law enforcement.
President Trump has recently cracked down on such officially supported lawlessness. The reaction from the left has been predictable — rage. Not only that, the governments of some cities have persisted in or even intensified their efforts to assist these immigrants in breaking the law. It’s an absurd situation that shows little sign of abating.
Leave it to California to take an idea to the extreme. Not satisfied with just hosting sanctuary cities, state legislators want to take matters to the next level. More on page two.
except conservative rednecks, we know! Hypocrite
Time to move all military bases out of California(no more DoD money or jobs) and cut all other forms of US government money (welfare Medicaid snap ect) and let the mighty California republic take care of it’s self.
go to H E double L Jerry Brown, and take your Sacramento gang with you…….
can not only texas has that right to bad so you are sorry
Yeah, like HE can manage an economy!
Good bye
They’re getting ready to be a federally U funded broke back mountain state .
Its lonely out there by yourself ! BUT ! It will never happen !
This is illegal!