The issue of “sanctuary cities” is not going away anytime soon. In fact, it looks about to intensify. You know what a sanctuary city is — a place to which illegal immigrants can flee where local officials and law enforcement personnel will work to subvert federal immigration laws by not turning such persons over to federal authorities. In other words, it’s a city that thumbs its nose at federal law enforcement.
President Trump has recently cracked down on such officially supported lawlessness. The reaction from the left has been predictable — rage. Not only that, the governments of some cities have persisted in or even intensified their efforts to assist these immigrants in breaking the law. It’s an absurd situation that shows little sign of abating.
Leave it to California to take an idea to the extreme. Not satisfied with just hosting sanctuary cities, state legislators want to take matters to the next level. More on page two.
Did Moonbeam defend Milo?
amen to freeze money.
This isn’t fair to the conservatives living in California who oppose this!
Losers dont know the American law.
I am from California…I hope you do cut yourself off…For many reasons…The other states would be better off ..Looking to move anyway…
I think those arguing for open borders should first try taking a homeless person off the street into their own home . . . or at least cease all the NIMBY arguments over locating homeless shelters in their community. Then, I might listen to them.
(and yes, we’ve given a homeless person shelter in our home)
President TRUMP please defund California from all federal funds, im a California resident, but please teach these liberals a lesson. No more federal funding, defund schools, food stamps, welfare, subsidised rent, heat, phone, building, everything federal. When California has to cover everything on their own, they will fall within weeks, wait until people start starving, don’t come looting around my house, proud gun owners. …Darrell
Let them and build another wall
Better start looking for another job or retirement. You can take San Francisco and Los Angeles with you. Be cause if Calexit occurs. The “North” will become the “State of Jefferson”