The laws of economics are immutable and universal. It you want to sell more of something, lower the price. If you want to sell less of something, raise the price. People are not stupid, and if you increase the price of something, fewer people will be willing to pay that price, regardless of what it is you are selling.
Bleeding heart liberals do not think the laws of economics apply to criminals. They do not accept the fact that if you increase the time served for a crime, criminals will think twice or three times before they commit a particular crime. Liberals, to coin a phrase, must be astonishingly ignorant to not understand such a basic concept.
To put it simply, if you establish that the penalty for stealing a car is a $100 fine, you will have many more cars stolen than if the penalty is to cut off the hand of the thief. Criminals are not stupid in that sense, but somehow liberals and voters in California decided that these simple economic laws did not apply to criminals in the state. And so they changed the law and decided that a property theft below $950 only constituted a misdemeanor, which the police do not really have the time to pursue, where the benchmark before was that anything over $400 was a felony.
Can you guess what happened?
Crime rises as penalty is eased, page 2:
I was going to write that and decided against it. Lol
hahahahaha … I’m sorry. I used to be an editor. I just can’t help myself …..
How can the liberals keep getting this wrong???
As much as I hate the idea of giving away tax dollars, victims should be reimbursed, by the State of California, for losses due to shoplifting
Who woulda thunk it !
Simple solution…EVERYTHING in the store is priced $1000. If you actually pay for it you get a discount.
Eddie, did you miss “which the police do not really have the time to pursue” in the article or did you just look at the pictures. How about you let people steal everything out of your home worth less than $950?
William, I read the article but this is not a simple black and white decision. This decision has far reaching implications. When you charge someone with felony, after they serve time, it’s next to impossible for this person to get a job. so what happens? You created a person who has no choice but to commit even more crimes to survive or you create a person who becomes dependent on government assistance. And who pays for that assistance? We do. So now I still pay for this person plus we have created an unproductive person in our community. So how is that a good thing?
Every crazy thing that is on America started in California—
Then no one would be prosecuted if they were paid for their losses–