The government of California may have finally found the cause more important to them than protecting their special “sanctuary state” status.
We’ve known for years now that the deranged leftists dotting the debauched soulless terrains of California loved nothing more than bending over and allowing the government to have their way with their freedoms. But here is where it gets truly tricky and scary, the long arm of the government is only being extended to promote politically correct agendas. The rights of conservatives? Those that love the Constitution? All but nonexistent, and even illegal in parts of California
Have you ever read comments underneath a post of Facebook tearing apart the article’s content? More commonly known as trolls [Bob Zahn I am talking to you] these people are nothing more than childish pranksters incapable of dealing with conflict outside the sphere of their mom’s basement. In California however, that is all different. And by different, that means if you’re a liberal type away, but conservatives best get ready to serve a little prison time.
Head on over to the next page to learn what is happening right now to California resident Mark Feigin after he posted comments online criticizing the Prophet Muhammed and radical Islamic terrorism.
If he said something about Christians he would be promoted
Wish I could but my husbands job is here
F**e news.
I find that hard to believe. Cali cant make laws that are unconstitutional.
I been in facebook jail twice also.. they can’t stand the truth about muslims
There is definitely a double standard.
Only in California. I used to think it was something in the water and it might well be whatever it is it will warp your senses.
I smell a lawsuit (USC42 SEC 1983, 1st and 14th Amendment) and a prosecutor going to federal prison (USC18, SEC 241-242)
Martial law, and southeastern and Midwestern states sending procurators to govern them
Mewe !