Democrats in California took a break from their never-ending quest to repeal the Second Amendment this week in order to focus on repealing their districts’ First Amendment rights, as well.
The First Amendment used to be widely understood. Among other liberties, and above all else, an individual had the right to free speech. Over the course of our nation’s history, that right to speech had been chipped away slowly by the courts. It became illegal to falsify a dangerous event in order to cause panic, to cause clear and present danger, and to incite violence against another human. These exceptions were made in order to protect the safety and security of American citizens.
Now, some California Democrats would like to add one more exception to the list, but it has nothing to do with safety. Instead, they want to make speech skeptical of global warming a crime, as well.
Apparently Democrats are more than willing to suspend one’s constitutional rights, so long as it protects their most cherished leftist propaganda piece.
See how they justified their actions on the next page:
Dispicable assholes!!
AMERICA WANTS TRUMP….Make America Safe Again.
Haaaaaahaaaaaa! Speech is protected, any speech.
Goes to show how uneducated black lives matter folks can be . He said trump wants to send illegals back to Mexico …. Why is t Mexico’s president racist , you get 7 years if you Cross into Mexico illegally on there southern borders . Trump is a racist ? I’m so confused , he used to date a black women but he is a racist ? He has Jewish grandchildren , but he is a bigot ? He married 2 immigrants, but he is a white supremacist? Reality check morons . He is the only candidate speaking out loud about protecting Americans and our rights . Why is this so hard to see . Besides the incompetent , I can’t fathom how somebody can vote for the ladder at this point . It was always either Carson or trump for me . If you love america it’s time to get down to brass tacs . Support your rights , support your fellow American’s . Support the only person running that’s an American citizen instead of a career politician because all they have done is take advantage of us . Americans had enough with change . We want america to be america . A lot can be learned from putan . You come to Russia you learn Russian , you respect our laws and we will not conform to make our country to your standards . There will not be shariah law . Now that’s a leader that cares about there country . It’s time for Americans to take the same stance . You do t like our country , go back to the$#%&!@*home you ran from , instead of trying to turn our country into the nightmare you left . TRUMP IS THE ONLY OPTION AT THIS POINT !!!!!
Your so fucking stupid I’m wondering how you still manage to breathe on your own.
WRONG!! We are ALL protected by the 1st Amendment to exercise our God-given RIGHT – not man or government provided privilege – of free expression, thought, and disagreement.
Only tyrants fear free speech because it exposes them for the controlling dictators they aspire to be.
Hope CA falls into the Pacific real soon! It produces nothing but morons!
So free speech isn’t covered under the First Amendment anymore?
I need a case.
Can we look into this: