There are people who are incredibly upset with Mr. Trump’s victory. This is not news, and it’s to be expected after a presidential campaign as vigorous and divisive as the one most recently concluded. Some will protest. Others will write letters. A few will engage in violence. Most will complain. None of them will be happy. Yet for the vast majority, life will go on.
Then there are those who are so incensed by Mr. Trump’s victory that they will organize for future action. As long is that is peaceful and does not advocate violence, they are well within their rights to do so. But what if that involves a state seceding from the United States? Wasn’t that issue settled by the results of the Civil War?
Apparently there are a group of people who have concluded that they cannot live under the administration of President Trump. One option would be for these folks to leave the country. Another option that is apparently under consideration is for their state to leave the country. In other words, to secede. It’s clear these people are serious as you’ll see on page two.
Leave CA outside the wall.
If their not careful God will wipe them from the face of the earth
Good! Take all the financial aid to students away, all the disaster aid, and remove all military bases! Give them nothing! Cut them off from the United States completely! If and when California secedes, that makes the an enemy of the United States, period!
Hurry. Get “er”done.
They already can’t afford themselves. How will they be able to provide for the common defense against the rest of the world??
John Jordan California has been a blue state for generations. But 4.8 million Californians voted for Donald Trump last November. There is a huge bloc of Republicans here-just not enough to upset the Democratic stranglehold here.
Okay. At least we don’t have to fund you anymore. Also when those forest fires, and mudslides start happening, you guys will be on your own. Oh, and don’t forget your passports at the state line. Your state will have to fund everything. At least we won’t have to worry about you forbidding the border wall, we will just go around you. Then there will be those pesky import and export fees to pay to ship stuff into the US. Yelp, I see this working out well for you all.
Let Mexifornia and its debt go!
Punish the 4.8 million people in California who voted for Donald Trump last November? Are you really that cold-hearted? My family goes back to 1900 here. I have been paying federal taxes since 1974-so just write me off?