California is often characterized as a far-left state fantasyland far removed from logic or common sense. This latest story should remove all doubt.
Democrats have a total monopoly on California’s government. They sit in every statewide executive seat and hold overwhelming majorities in both the state senate and assembly. If you ever want a peek into what Democrats would do with complete power, just take a look at California.
Predictably,they’ve made a mess of it.
This week, the actions of the California government managed to surprise even their biggest critics. Their latest move is so unthinkable, so ridiculous, and so misguided it almost seems fake — but it isn’t. It’s real, and it puts the left’s priorities on display for all to see.
Read about the state’s new laws on child prostitution on the next page:
I bet there’s provisions for willful prostitution by minors in there somewhere. And yes, there are minor who willfully chose to be prostitutes too. It should protect forced prostitution only.
Say what?
He’s probably paid for a few. He’s probably going to get a discount the next time he gets a piece. Hopefully he’ll catch something.
It doesn’t matter they are being forced into some how. Tell the authorities and have ever who’s making them do it be arrested.
Sounds like Governor moonbeam Jr want to make California an islamic state before the muslims take over the world. Like getting a head start on sin.
He is a flocking moron!
For the sick, dastardly muslims. He’s also the one allowing felons in and out of prison to cote.
Wow, now I’m a pretty conservative guy, who’s been in law enforcement for over 24 years, and I in no way agree with most of the stuff California passes. You people do realize it says children correct? As in too young to give consent, too weak to stand up to pimps, who might in all actuality be one of their relatives.