California is often characterized as a far-left state fantasyland far removed from logic or common sense. This latest story should remove all doubt.
Democrats have a total monopoly on California’s government. They sit in every statewide executive seat and hold overwhelming majorities in both the state senate and assembly. If you ever want a peek into what Democrats would do with complete power, just take a look at California.
Predictably,they’ve made a mess of it.
This week, the actions of the California government managed to surprise even their biggest critics. Their latest move is so unthinkable, so ridiculous, and so misguided it almost seems fake — but it isn’t. It’s real, and it puts the left’s priorities on display for all to see.
Read about the state’s new laws on child prostitution on the next page:
Sodom and Gomorrah state. does anyone know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah????? they were found to be evil and destroyed by GOD. for those of you in California who do not want this beware it is coming soon. your evil politicians are seeing to your demise. You must rally against them before its too late.
So now any 16 or 17 year old can legally go sell their bodies without fear of punishment ? Should help increase street walkers for poor girls
California is run by a group of idiots.
Jerry Brown has always been a nut case
Sick f—–.
Hell Bound
UN-FRICKEN-BELIEVABLE! A preview into a HilLIARy Clinton presidency!