California is often characterized as a far-left state fantasyland far removed from logic or common sense. This latest story should remove all doubt.
Democrats have a total monopoly on California’s government. They sit in every statewide executive seat and hold overwhelming majorities in both the state senate and assembly. If you ever want a peek into what Democrats would do with complete power, just take a look at California.
Predictably,they’ve made a mess of it.
This week, the actions of the California government managed to surprise even their biggest critics. Their latest move is so unthinkable, so ridiculous, and so misguided it almost seems fake — but it isn’t. It’s real, and it puts the left’s priorities on display for all to see.
Read about the state’s new laws on child prostitution on the next page:
Legalizing Pedophilia opens the back door for Sharia.
Sounds like the California governor needs dismissed from his job also
Okay, this site must really me out there to make people mad. It isn’t legalizing prostitution , it’s making it so these kids, that are usually forced into such circumstances, aren’t put in jail on top of what they are already going through. They will be sent to social services instead. You notice it’s the act of prostituting yourself if you are a minor that will go unpunished (though they will be given help and taken off the street). It isn’t making it legal for anyone to proposition them for sex, that is still illegal and the people who attempt to sleep with these children will still be breaking the law.
That is so wrong. Brains are not done growing until 18. You can’t buy cigarettes or drive until 18, or vote. But theses thugs are going to sell these kids body for sex. These leaders need to be fired
—-I surely hope not.
Smart move (not!
left coast
We have sunk to a new low
Brown is one sick perverted bastard
What a stupid group of legislators working with governor Moonbeam!!! Heard of human trafficking ?