Governor Brown of California seems to think that the federal government does things in record speed. He vetoed a bill that would have allowed terminally ill patients access to medical help that would allow them to fight for their lives.
Brown believes that the Federal government has “got this” and so patients in California should have patience with the “Federal expedited process”.
Page two explains the bill, the California Right to Try Act and what it would have done for the terminally ill in California.
Yes and obama is making sure all illegals and all muslims will get to vote democratic of course because they want to suck off welfare. Iam going to go ahead and vote but I know it’s true even the dead will vote democratic. I’m gonna pray every day and when it’s time I’ll go ahead and vote to support whoever God leads me to.
he makes me sick
Thanks to the California liberals Jerry Brown got elected. See if he holds back the drugs when the democratic actors get old and have to be put down.
SHAME on him!!!
This deranged dude needs to go to a padded cell !!!! How disgusting! !!!!!
Someone give him an overdose please. He is not good for California.
Of course he does! Can’t you tell by what he says and does that he takes all the drugs himself.
seniors are very dispensable, along with unborn babies. This man should be hung. Wonder if he’ll run for POTUS.
That’s part of the Globalist/New World Order agenda; they started with the babies at Planned parenthood and next it will be the old people.
it doesn’t just sound like it, it is.