Governor Brown of California seems to think that the federal government does things in record speed. He vetoed a bill that would have allowed terminally ill patients access to medical help that would allow them to fight for their lives.
Brown believes that the Federal government has “got this” and so patients in California should have patience with the “Federal expedited process”.
Page two explains the bill, the California Right to Try Act and what it would have done for the terminally ill in California.
his day will come when he becomes ill.
The prescribed narcotics help prevent the pain for the terminally ill patients. What goes around comes around governor! If he gets a terminally ill disease give him sugar pills and let him suffer! I am totally against illegal drugs. However, I have seen friends and my mother suffer from terminal cancer. The prescribed pain medicine provided some comfort during their suffering!
Might as well put a bullet in their heads
douche bag
Booooooooh. LOL
We need another recall election !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moonface is just a moron !!
He just better hope that he doesn’t get terminally ill
Kick him out
fairy brown is the epitome of what is wrong with politics today