Governor Brown of California seems to think that the federal government does things in record speed. He vetoed a bill that would have allowed terminally ill patients access to medical help that would allow them to fight for their lives.
Brown believes that the Federal government has “got this” and so patients in California should have patience with the “Federal expedited process”.
Page two explains the bill, the California Right to Try Act and what it would have done for the terminally ill in California.
what an idiot, I can’t believe he is still in office
He denies drugs to terminal patients but allows illegals to vote!
Yes he will support death panels.
NWO pawn. I am sure he is with the agenda all the way.
Sob should be hung.
I bet they will pay for the legal suicide they just passed. They will pay for the terminally ill to have assisted suicide
To busy helping illegals are y’all surprised
It’s california!
Moonbeam at it again!!!