California Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed SB 432, which removes the term ‘alien’ from state labor laws, which was previously defined as “any person who is not born or fully naturalized citizen of the United States.”
The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), also removed the state’s preference for hiring unemployed U.S. citizens on public works projects…equalizing the field for illegal ALIENS.
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I agree! but still, there are some people in CA who think!
I totally agree! unfortunately, this idiot has a 60% approval rating! don’t ask me why, I have no clue…
they are! absolutely! I live here and I am surrounded by them! And they are fed, burped and diapered! it’s disgusting!
We Californians want our Cons$#%&!@*utional Rights of “Protection from Invasion!”
The idiot speaks
The union strangle hold.
Because, like the president not putting together the words Islam and terrorist, if you never say it, it doesn’t exist. Or so Democrats seem to think. Reminds me of a little boy closing his eyes saying, “You can’t see me.” Cute for kids; not for adults.
You can’t make it up….sickening.
He’s a moron
I say we take the rest of Mexico…