California Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed SB 432, which removes the term ‘alien’ from state labor laws, which was previously defined as “any person who is not born or fully naturalized citizen of the United States.”
The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), also removed the state’s preference for hiring unemployed U.S. citizens on public works projects…equalizing the field for illegal ALIENS.
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Ban the governor ; it seems dementia has set in.
He’s a Looney
They banned the word and practice of ‘common sense’ a long time ago.
With all the real problems we have. He is more concerned about that?
Dam if the idiot had a brain, he would be dangerous if he knew how to use a brain. more gutter from the gutter
SO, where we going with this?? (as if I care if aliens are offended). Undo$#%&!@*ented tresp$#%&!@*ers? Unembraced future citizens? Inadequately recognized persons? Its the SAME THING you Left Coast idiots, they are NOT CITIZENS and not deserving of the rights and benefits of citizenship. and NO more anchor babies!
because more lunatic lives in california, that vote
Brown is the alien…
I think you have Latinos mistaken with rednecks, that’s frowned upon in our culture unlike y’all’s