California Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed SB 432, which removes the term ‘alien’ from state labor laws, which was previously defined as “any person who is not born or fully naturalized citizen of the United States.”
The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), also removed the state’s preference for hiring unemployed U.S. citizens on public works projects…equalizing the field for illegal ALIENS.
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Facist-they are illegal aliens!!!!
He would. Gov. Moonbeam just doesn’t function well in the real world.
Another liberal moron!
So is wet back the new term?
Here’s a thought……screw him
you idiots in californicate brought this pos back!!! wow how stupid!!!!
OH! somebody actually realize what is going on. Its an undeclared war; between the US and Mexico without weapons We have two fronts illegals out west flooding California. ISIS on the rise in Asia just waiting to get into the US from Mexico. President Obama just twetiling his thumbs at the White House. WAKE UP AMERICA.
he is an obma and alien lover which is going destroy him and the state of california
Stupid for him his state is over run by illegal aliens our elected leaders need to get a back bone and call things like they are and stop this sugar coating everything because you might offend someone
Jerry brown your are a idiot just like your father