California Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed SB 432, which removes the term ‘alien’ from state labor laws, which was previously defined as “any person who is not born or fully naturalized citizen of the United States.”
The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), also removed the state’s preference for hiring unemployed U.S. citizens on public works projects…equalizing the field for illegal ALIENS.
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Ban Governor Brown
I live in California, Jerry Brown needs to GTFO of here.
IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moonbeam mayor is a lib idiot
When did California’s Governor get the right to do that?
Who would expect different from California?
Iodiot..just plain stupidity..but you people are n California do vote in ignorance
ALIEN,ALIEN What do you think about that Jerry “GAY” Brown
Jerry Brown is a Liberal Idiot on the level of Osama Ben Lying.