California Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed SB 432, which removes the term ‘alien’ from state labor laws, which was previously defined as “any person who is not born or fully naturalized citizen of the United States.”
The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), also removed the state’s preference for hiring unemployed U.S. citizens on public works projects…equalizing the field for illegal ALIENS.
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Our politicians are idiots
You can call a duck a horse, but it will still be a duck. Alien means foreign. So illegal alien is the correct way to describe someone here in the US illegally.
The Governor is a Fairy tale of Comic relief and he probably Swallows
See “$” pic re word “HISPAN” MEANS “NEW SPAIN” and REX means KING of Spain aka the BUCK! Too bad, so sad he (Dr. Nathanson) p$#%&!@*ed away; his statement indicated he was an HONEST man! Was it the wise King Solomon who said? Among a thousand men–I found only one honest man; but I found not even one honest woman among a thousand women.)( We need all honest people in the Whitehouse–but it has become what sits on top, over a Politically Correct CESSPOOL & oughta be re-named The OUTHOUSE! Comments welcome.) Take judicial notice of the Christian CROSSES on the silver coins in the “$” pic symbolic of Christ and the two (2) thieves! And the TWO (2) upright , rampart LIONS in the fighting position symbolizing CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE! Visit See “$” pic? Coined in “HISPAN” (New Spain) 1772-1825; used in USA to 1857! $1,000. Silver = 53 PLUS pounds! $1,000.- gold= 3.5 PLUS pounds! U. S. MONEY OF ACCOUNT 15 TO 1 PROPORTIONAL RATIO. 15 POUNDS OF SILVER EQUAL IN VALUE TO ONE POUND OF GOLD. PER 2 Apr, 1792 Mintage Act (§19. Death Penalty for theft, fraudulent intent, embezzelment) & per 1792 Currency Act: Death penalty for counterfeiting or uttering “…shall suffer death without benefit of clergy.” Visit Library of Congress. & google for “Coin Collection of Robert Gore Jr” at online Notre Dame Coin Museum maybe buy’em at http://WWW.ICCOIN.COM or search for 8 bits aka Eight Reales & Spanish milled silver dollar & Pillar Dollar. Ever heard Pep Song by Cheerleaders at Football & basketball games of? “0ne bit, 2 bits, 4 bits, 6 bits, 8 bits a DOLLAR, All for (your team name etc) stand up & HOLLAR! Pieces of Eight, who do we APPRECIATE?!
Has anyone had enough of this idiot already??, what an alien $#%&!@* brain he is!!.
Judy Lusk, Mammaw Shirley, let’s see both of you morons do the hard, physical draining, work that many immigrant Mexicans do on the agriculture fields of California, Texas, and work in over 115° tomato fields of El Centro, CA. You lazy good for nothing racists would melt! The ranchers several times offered JOBS to vets, the unemployed, and welfare recepients and they NEVER came! Period! They’d rather be homeless than working on the ranches. Also, it’s just funny seeing how some people are saying about how their ancestors came here legally when we had open borders and they only charged a small fee for physicals, especially if you were from European countries, they wanted our country to be fully populated by White, Caucasian people. Those immigrants also failed to learn the language of the United States, and had high crime and failed to $#%&!@*imilate, that’s why you have Italian neighborhoods, Polish blocks, Irish blocks, Chinatown, etc.etc.etc don’t be ignorant. Mexicans are America’s backbone.
Most will probably dehydrate like this Dude. Pea for Brains Brown.
Nobody ever wins a war and none of them are ever “over”.
there’s a do$#%&!@*ent, a treaty, it’s called state dept doc 7277, it’s the UN unilateral disarmement treaty, the USA surrendered to world socialism..we did not win the cold war…the treaty calls for the abolition of all arms, world wide, the military, police and armed citizens., the abolition of all nations borders and national soveringty………..thats whats happening all around us right now, that why the enflux of immigrants world wide….they’re merging all races and nationalities togeather……..THE NEW WORLD ORDER………everything happening around us and world wide is being implimented to meet that end….they are destablizing the entire world and will clamp down and install world socialism upon the world………………….UNLESS WE RESIST AND STOP them
Our liberal friends love to ban things. It is a sign of an oppressive government.