California Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed SB 432, which removes the term ‘alien’ from state labor laws, which was previously defined as “any person who is not born or fully naturalized citizen of the United States.”
The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), also removed the state’s preference for hiring unemployed U.S. citizens on public works projects…equalizing the field for illegal ALIENS.
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Nope not going to work
Please look at this blog. DO NOT HIRE OR LET THIS PERSON IN YOUR FACILITY.. Here is another illegal immigrant that is commenting crimes in the UNITED STATES on social media, he is a fraud, emailing porn, domestic violence, cyber stalking, har$#%&!@*ment, runs f**e go fund me scams, posses as a certified trainer and IFBB pro bodybuilder also hate mail against people, Now this loser has made a f**e account in my name on twitter so if anyone gets porn please report it. This is exactly what type of person #sherwyn #alexander is. Please post this on your wall and send to friends to warn them about this person before you or them become a victim. He is a security risk to the United States.
like hell
Ban the governor. He is an idiot.
Because Mexicans work cheap. The politicians want slaves not patriots. They want more money in their pocket. Freedom isn’t free. Ironically this is why people immigrate here. So now poverty will soon be as bad as anywhere else. The free handouts will be a thing of the past. Social security and even veteran benefits a thing of the past. Sharia law will rule…Still wana come?
His middle name is Obozo,
Hey Moonbeam they are called ILLEGAL ALIENS and always will
F you $#%&!@*, go back to your $#%&!@*hole sesspool country
Alien, alien,alien,
This man is a blooming idiot