Even as the disastrous policies of the liberal left prove that you can’t tax and spend your way out of debt, progressive politicians have decided that the solution to the problem is to tax and spend more.
As far as states go, California is as liberal as it gets: with one of the highest cost of living rates in the country due to endless taxes and regulations, the Sunshine State is rightfully regarded as exhibit A of what happens after Democrats hold power for any extended amount of time. With the inner city exploding with crime and it impossible for many to make ends meet, it’s understandable why many are leaving for safer, less costly states.
But instead of admitting defeat and rolling back counterproductive policies, the liberals in Sacramento have decided to unleash even more on their hapless constituents from San Francisco all the way down to San Diego.
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How much more are you Californians going to take with this nut job…….and these psycho liberals have the nerve to talk about President Trumps mental capacity????
It’s not here yet but the time is coming when someone in California takes this silly SOB out permanently, then maybe, just maybe the rest of the dumbasses will take the hint!!!!!
go for it claifornia voters deserve to be screwed over repeatedly
California: Keep voting these thieves into Office…you get what you get. Patrick
He has committed the most horrible atrocities against this state. Why is he still holding office? Are all the people in California just that stupid??? Gas taxes are for roads and grounds improvement, not to fix the pension fund. This moron has made it almost impossible for people to be able to live there. If they were smart, they would move to another state!
What is it with the voters in California, why do they keep voting this fool in??
How can any one with a brain live in that crazy state?
He is a disastrous governor.
42%…how do you live?
drop dead azzhole