Dams, like much of our infrastructure, are not the sort of things that attract any attention. As long as they do their jobs, nobody notices and life goes on as normal. Even those who enjoy the benefits of these structures such as boating enthusiasts and those who use the electricity often generated at dams, rarely give them a thought. That is, until something goes wrong, and with a dam that could mean catastrophe.
Man-made structures need periodic maintenance. When that is not performed, they deteriorate. All of this is obvious, but it is often deliberately ignored for budgetary reasons. Fail to maintain a road. and you get potholes. Fail to maintain a dam, and you can end up with thousands of dead people and untold property damage. It looks like California may be headed for just such a catastrophe. More on page two.
Fix it yourself
Not leaving the union till we pay their bills!
Jerry Brown needs to deal with his Sanctuary cities before it gets any federal aid.
Trump tell them to go$#%&!@*themselves
Tell jerry to stick it. Help California when brown is voted out. Maybe mexico will help him.
California will never NOT be a liberal state. Just move. I know, easier said than done but I got my$#%&!@*out of NY and NEVER moving back. Funny thing is the ONLY thing I miss is the tremendous variety of food. It’s hands down the greatest thing about the NYC area.
Trump should tell Gov. Brown to go BLANK HIMSELF!!!!