Dams, like much of our infrastructure, are not the sort of things that attract any attention. As long as they do their jobs, nobody notices and life goes on as normal. Even those who enjoy the benefits of these structures such as boating enthusiasts and those who use the electricity often generated at dams, rarely give them a thought. That is, until something goes wrong, and with a dam that could mean catastrophe.
Man-made structures need periodic maintenance. When that is not performed, they deteriorate. All of this is obvious, but it is often deliberately ignored for budgetary reasons. Fail to maintain a road. and you get potholes. Fail to maintain a dam, and you can end up with thousands of dead people and untold property damage. It looks like California may be headed for just such a catastrophe. More on page two.
Mike the problem is California’s budget when it’s their f****** damn that’s f****** falling down.
California Jerry Brown eat s**t
Hey, seen the news? Jerry “Moonbeam, can I have some more LSD” Browne s begging for federal money, aint that a hoot?
So California wants to leave the union and become an independent country of its own, a smashing idea…
-you can rename it “Libturdfornia”
-you can all be “Libturdians”
-you can declare gun free-safe zones on all of your beaches
-during the campaign “Moonbeam” Browne said he’d build a wall around California when Trump was elected…build your wall, “Moonbeam”
-NO more federal funding of any kind to The New Country of Libturdfornia
-you can all elect “Moonbeam” your president and Nancy Pelosi for your vice president
-you can appoint Diane Feinstein as your Secretary of Hypocrisy, Lies and Utter B******t
-all of the liberal “stars” already live there…saved some money right there
-you can appoint Elizabeth “I’m a lying, lame brained version of Pocahontas” Warren, Secretary of drivel, irrelevant statements and sucking sour grapes
-of course your muslims and ILLEGAL aliens can have all the guns they can carry, ammo, too
-you can all line up on the beaches and pound sand while your happy muslims and ILLEGAL aliens murder you, behead you, stone you, burn you, rape you or any of the other atrocities muslims are famous for
-do any of you think for a New York minute that your state will get even a wooden nickels worth of funding from Uncle Sam? LOL
No he wants California to leave the union. He needs to fix it himself
No don’t give them a dime
What happened? Don’t ask the Democrats. They are already BLAMING Our President Trump for making the dam fail. DAMN!
F y moonhead failure.
Let Moonbeam have illegals pay for the dam repairs.
Why ? You’ve had TWELVE YEARS to fix this thing and YOU and your liberal cronies chose to fund illegals instead. Why would you even consider that the Trump Administration would pay for YOUR screw up ? Call Obama in Hawaii ! Maybe HE’S got some cash to lend you. Allah knows he took enough money to pay for a new damn ten times over. PLUS, you want to SECEDE from the United States ! Try calling the United Nations OR Mexico instead ! Either way, go screw yourselves.
Jerry clown