As California reels from a four year-long drought, climatologists have come forward with some bad news.
Californians are hoping the arrival of El Nino in early 2016 will help replenish the state’s dwindling water reserves, but people who are carefully monitoring the drought are saying that it’s “extremely unlikely” that that alone will end it. In fact, the Maryland-based U.S. Climate Prediction Center forecasts that the drought will go on for at least another year. If any improvement is to be made, the expected relief from El Nino must be of a very particular kind.
For one thing, it won’t be enough just for it to rain heavy in California. The amount of water lost during the drought is so great that simple precipitation won’t be able to replace it. What experts say we need is snow, since it can store vast reserves of moisture that will be released when it melts and thus giving the Sunshine State new, plentiful access to water.
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Kindly send me a friend reqest to have you as a friend
Kindly send me a friend request to have you as a friend
Kindly send me a friend request to have you as friend
Kindly send me a friend request to have you as friend
No, he’ll blame the militias for it.
All they have to do is create a biodome type California where there’s somewhat of a light film across the state to reduce sun rays and keep water from drying as quickly not to mention how much more vegetation can grow creating more oxygen while also pulling pollution i.e. smog but no they would rather spend billions or have millions flipping burgers when electronics and robotics can easily take that over
No beach so bring your dog
Well bring you some great lakes water
No need please no choking on the dirt please.
He’s our Blamer in Chief!