California is once again looking to dismantle and destroy one of the only money producing industries left in the state. If you’ll recall back in September when Jerry Brown signed a bill that seeks to regulate cow farts, and now his plans have finally gone into motion. According to statistics that may or may not be true, cows and other livestock are the leading cause of greenhouse gasses.
What this basically means is that the mystery of “global warming” has been solved! The cause is cow farts! Flatulence is destroying the world. Anybody who placed a bet on farts should collect now.
According to Ryan McCarthy, a science advisor for the California Air Resources Board, which drawing up rules to for implementing this new law, stopping the emissions of methane can stop global warming. As expected, farmers aren’t taking too kindly to the news, seeing how it’s going to be unaffordable. Goodbye dairy industry, hello dustbowl part two!
Find out what’s happening on the next page.
How rediculous is that
Insane bs
the cows got their undies in a bunch.
Hey California, please build the wall ! Succeed from America !
You people are nucking futs !!!!!
They don’t have an IQ !
That’s the problem
Only in California, they are freaking nuts there!!!
It’s all about money !!!
A few politicians will become millionaires !
Stop being vegetarian and eat more beef. Less cows ,less farts
Michael Bowden just a few…