A temporary restraining order has been issued to prevent an anti-abortion group from releasing videos showing a California company providing fetal tissue to researchers. The group previously released three covertly shot videos of Planned Parenthood leaders discussing sales of fetus parts.
The Los Angeles Superior Court order prohibits the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any video of StemExpress officials. It is the first legal move halting video releases from the group. However, the ruling is only good in California. So, a similar ruling in another state like Texas, allowing the release, would nullify the other. So, the carnage and public outrage will continue.
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Reap what you sow…….Your Destiny is waiting……!
Wades in? Isn’t it supposed to be weighs in? Or have I gotten it wrong all these years?
Not surprising from California. The only place I know surrounded by water. Yet they claim they are running out.
Of course, leave it to California. Planned Parenthood ranks right up there with the gas chambers of $#%&!@* Germany, and $#%&!@* human experimental labs. This administration and the liberals that support it have lost all Christian, American, and humanity values if they can allow this infant mutilation to continue.
That come as a real shock ,,,,, NOT
One question would you think GOD WOULD approve of this selling baby parts and killing baby’s I don’t think so
probably a left wing judge doesent anybody care anymore
Lefty whacko judges lefty whacko decisions