The political leadership of California has apparently never learned the First Law of Holes: If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Either this is an entirely foreign concept to them, or they simply despise the idea of fiscal restraint so much that they have chosen to ignore it. Either way, California is a financial disaster that is only going to get worse.
Some of our liberal friends inhabit a place where governments led by the wise have solved the world’s most pressing problems, and where everyone lives in peace, health, safety, and prosperity. The problem is that this is a world of the imagination, not one of reality. However, reality is not going to prevent them from using government to try to create such a place. More on page two.
Stop all federal funding from CA!! Let them pay for their own$#%&!@*!!
you need to fix you Dam first.
alifornia is stupid
And forget about the people in danger of losing their homes. They dont matter. You Brown have the fucking balls to ask for help while you p**s $ away on ILLEGALS! Let Calif die on its own. No help. No $ Not a fucking dime until they put LEGAL RESIDENTS FIRST!
This is GREAT! They can ride that fancy high-speed train to their free appointments! Oh, wait…
shure it;s only going to cost 3,000,00 per month per person even your kid;s and you got it full coverage at the clinic 3 days a week with a 100,00 co pay charge for any care with 100% co pay on every and all l the drug;s that’s what you will have the new saying will be [[[[[[[[we got you covered !!]]]]]]
and want the rest of the USA to pay for it
CA taxpayers should not be forced to pay for illegals