The pro-choice lobby is known for being one of the most demanding groups in the country, but their latest scheme has even many of their long-time allies flinching at the thought of it.
As the chief provider of abortions in America, Planned Parenthood has found itself subjected to scrutiny by pro-life activists over the years, many of whom have uncovered shocking, unethical practices at the offices of the women’s health organization. Most recently, the group was the subject of hidden-camera footage obtained by the Center for Medical Progress, showing Planned Parenthood staff discussing the sale of fetal tissue to others and sparking an outcry over its practices.
Bitter about having its illicit activities exposed, Planned Parenthood has called for radical action to keep people from similarly documenting its misdeeds in the future. Specifically, the group has called for authorities to make it an offense to record “health care providers”, a chilling proposal that is already on the table in California.
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Karma will be very bad for these people.
When I found out over 500,000 babies had been aborted from January to June of 2016 I was shocked. 36% were black. Do the math. If Black Lives Matter, why aren’t they protesting Planned Parenthood? It’s murder.
Infant murder…celebrated and state protected…we have reached new levels of depravity never before seen!
1940 Germany, right along with gun control, for the safety of the public. You betcha.
Planned parent hood my$#%&!@* Keep your pants on and your legs crossed or deal with having a baby instead of murdering it.
Defund Planned ParentHood now !!!!!!!
Abortion is the leading cause of deaths !
communism is working quite well now here in America, thanks to the democrats sponsering it all.