All life is sacred. The lives of twin boys born at 23 weeks, who fought ferociously for life: sacred. The life of a fifty year old woman fighting for life through pancreatic cancer: sacred. The lives of the students killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon: sacred. Christians being beheaded by ISIS: sacred lives.
Legislation which protects all life, premature life and suffering life, seems to be the moral choice, yet, the answer is not simple. Governor Brown, in California, has signed the right-to-die legislation on Monday, making California the fifth state to allow terminally ill patients to end their lives through physician prescribed drugs.
Page two delves into this legislation.
United we stand
divided we fall
How about illegals?
Trapped in Commiefornia… Sigh… When the local news posted it on fb here I could t believe how many people were cheering and happy… What a pathetic, sad state our planet is in!
And then there will be only illegals left
It is not government’s place to legislate the devaluation of life, and for it to be involved in doing so is ripe with the potential for the legalized euthanasia of human beings with or without their consent. Republicans would jump at the chance to euthanize every Social Security recipient before they could draw one payment of their own retirement money. It is quite clear that they are frothing at the mouth to end Social Security and steal the money we paid into it for decades. Already there are people who want to deny lifesaving medical treatment for people over a certain age — which is another area fraught with the potential for euthanasia by withholding medical treatment. Between abortion ending life before it begins and euthanasia ending life before it ends, the devolvement of the world into a Godless, heartless, and soul-less one where life has no meaning at all spells out a meaningless existence for future human beings on this planet. What some see as our God given free will being set completely free for those who would choose to end their own lives if they are suffering from a fatal and painful condition. Dr. Kevorkian’s wet dream manifested in legal doctor assisted suicide for all! And how far behind that can legal doctor assisted murder be? Those who are all for the former have not throughout this through to consider the inevitable latter that would follow it. Listen, folks, we have all had the choice to end our own lives from the beginning of time. Why would we need it to be legal or assisted by a doctor? We all have access to drugs, some legal and some not, but why would a person contemplating or planning to commit suicide care about legalities concerning the means by which it will come about? And, hasn’t this choice to pervert the free will we have been given by God in usurping God’s, and God’s alone, right to end life always been available? By involving other people in such an act, the person taking matters into their own hands complicates those people’s lives and their after lives needlessly. Just because we can’t hang in for one more week on morphine and no food or water and let God decide when it ends that’s no reason to involve other souls in jumping our own gun, is there? Suck it up and check on out of this world if it is your choice but let’s leave the law and the doctors out of it. I am definitely against this decision 5 states have made to legalize suicide and doctors as accomplices. It is an unrighteous and slippery slope; a very bad move.
I think it is a good idea, when it comes to cancer the pain is more than tremendous.
I think it is a good idea
We need something like this. I have watched an aunt and granma die long slow horrible deaths. And nobody shoukd have to suffer like that. I would use it and not put myself or my family through the suffering.
Right to die does not equal euthanasia. Remember that when they say you are old and need to use your “right”.
Sabrina Boles, I have seen loved ones suffer but they fought death to the end. Today they are with the LORD , happy an well. He will never give you more than you can handle but that is your choice you ar the one that will face him on Judgement day.