All life is sacred. The lives of twin boys born at 23 weeks, who fought ferociously for life: sacred. The life of a fifty year old woman fighting for life through pancreatic cancer: sacred. The lives of the students killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon: sacred. Christians being beheaded by ISIS: sacred lives.
Legislation which protects all life, premature life and suffering life, seems to be the moral choice, yet, the answer is not simple. Governor Brown, in California, has signed the right-to-die legislation on Monday, making California the fifth state to allow terminally ill patients to end their lives through physician prescribed drugs.
Page two delves into this legislation.
My body, my beliefs, my choice. Feel free to choose your own torturous death.
So then I am a coward. It’s between me and my Creator. Period. If what I am about to do is a sin then forgive me. Why should your final days be wracked with so much mental and physical suffering. You better pray this situation doesn’t happen to you or a loved one. Since you say he only can take a life doesn’t that make Him a murderer. A baby in the womb doesn’t have the choice. That’s murder.
My body, my beliefs, my choices – it’s called FREEDOM – do not attempt to impose YOUR beliefs on mine or anyone else’s. If you’d like to have a lengthy, torturous death based on your beliefs, that’s your right. I respect your right to choose and you will respect my right to choose – otherwise, you’re attempting to infringe upon my beliefs with yours.
Undo the suffering the families and friends endure. That’s being unselfish to the end. Who wants the last vision of their loved one in hell on earth. Life is hard enough pleasing God and others possibly never yourself. Suicide has a bad stigma. Don’t confuse it with only a week or so to die in retched misery by lack of food and water. That’s torture. Needless.
About time….I wish it would apply to stupid people too….
Its not what everyone thinks
Sooner than everyone may think
Revelation 3:11
Unborn babies should get such a “CHOICE”!
Live and let live
Have Faith in 1 God
Hope God is forgiving
To those that seek him and repent for ones sin trespassing against Love of God, be kind hearted and charitable, remember to show respect and honor. Teaching knowledge and wisdom of mystical virtuous ways passed on from generation to generation