All life is sacred. The lives of twin boys born at 23 weeks, who fought ferociously for life: sacred. The life of a fifty year old woman fighting for life through pancreatic cancer: sacred. The lives of the students killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon: sacred. Christians being beheaded by ISIS: sacred lives.
Legislation which protects all life, premature life and suffering life, seems to be the moral choice, yet, the answer is not simple. Governor Brown, in California, has signed the right-to-die legislation on Monday, making California the fifth state to allow terminally ill patients to end their lives through physician prescribed drugs.
Page two delves into this legislation.
There is nothing which can stop one from killing himself. Another law on the books is ridiculous!!!
I think it’s the only good thing he did as governor. We kill our dogs peacefully when they’re suffering. Why can’t we have that same right when we are? Think it’s a good thing.
Perhaps you should read it Rigsby, I think you missed the part about “judge not”, you definitely missed the part on who decides on who goes to where.
the ONLY good law he ever signed in.
Snow if we can get liberals to Cali and get them to use this legislation that would be great. Take Obama with you to try it out.
Someday we’ll all stand before God Almighty. All life is precious.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
For a liberal “tolerant” state California sure likes to kill people who are inconvenient.
They should probably kill the majority of people in California.
God endowed us with free will. If at the end of my life there is unbearable suffering, I would choose to die with dignity. We give our pets that gift. Drugs do not ease the suffering but prolong it. No food or water and some morphine for sometimes over a week. No thanks. I have watched writhing bodies of loved ones like this.