All life is sacred. The lives of twin boys born at 23 weeks, who fought ferociously for life: sacred. The life of a fifty year old woman fighting for life through pancreatic cancer: sacred. The lives of the students killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon: sacred. Christians being beheaded by ISIS: sacred lives.
Legislation which protects all life, premature life and suffering life, seems to be the moral choice, yet, the answer is not simple. Governor Brown, in California, has signed the right-to-die legislation on Monday, making California the fifth state to allow terminally ill patients to end their lives through physician prescribed drugs.
Page two delves into this legislation.
Good let them die if they want.
It’s my right to die peacefully instead of traumatically. Had friends blow their head off and be found for his kids to see from a shoot gun. If someone wants to let them.
This is more about death panels then anything else and our Government is trying to force doctors to tell geriatrics along with all who have to have expensive surgery with no guarantees of living longer to just accept death in a humanely way as possible. This will get worse if Obamacare isn’t totally dismantled.
MOON BEAM top of the dumb, and stupid LIST, distroyed Calif.
You don’t need a law to kill yourself.
I find it difficult to believe that anyone suffering from a painful terminal illness would not be depressed, which is part of the criteria in which this legislation will apply to the individual. I understand that my God is a loving God and that He gave His children freewill. He went to a great deal of trouble to provide us His Word through the Scriptures and still maintain freewill. So freewill must be pretty important to Him. I believe that the individuals beliefs are what matters here because it is between them and their Creator. And anyone assisting and their Creator. We are suppose to love, that is all.
Maybe Jerry Brown will test it to see if it works.
Read your Bible….that’s why!
way to go “moonbeam”…..following your mentor, hillary….???
When anyone or any state sets its self up as God, I have a real problem with it !!!!! I am for giving people in the last stages of life any drug available to stop the pain, but to decide that it is fine to kill themselves and be assisted by another, I can’t see!!