All life is sacred. The lives of twin boys born at 23 weeks, who fought ferociously for life: sacred. The life of a fifty year old woman fighting for life through pancreatic cancer: sacred. The lives of the students killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon: sacred. Christians being beheaded by ISIS: sacred lives.
Legislation which protects all life, premature life and suffering life, seems to be the moral choice, yet, the answer is not simple. Governor Brown, in California, has signed the right-to-die legislation on Monday, making California the fifth state to allow terminally ill patients to end their lives through physician prescribed drugs.
Page two delves into this legislation.
I fully support this.
How can you have a death penalty and not a right to die?
fully support, it should be a person’s right and does not infringe on another
It’s that person’s right to choose how and when they go.
please start with yourself Brow
Brown and the rest of you EVIL!!!!!!!!! people
As I get older I can see how quality of life is so important. I think you should fight the good fight but dont prolong suffering…..just because you can
Sure, he gets the best medical attention possible and the poor….. well, those deserves to die……
Maybe Jerry can test out the equipment to see if it works.
Gee. all the IDIOTS know more than GOD!!! I did not know you sat above HIM jerry!!!!