Government keeps growing and consuming more and more of our wealth. And the political class knows that the bigger government grows, the more opportunities they have for higher pay, new agencies, more people to supervise, plus other benefits.
Who loses?
The hard working citizen who plays by the rules and expects others to as well. But that is not how it works in California and several other states today.
The rules I am talking about include the recognition that living in a sovereign nation and being a citizen of that nation should mean something. It should mean that anyone allowed into the country is will obey the laws, respect the political system, and play be the rules.
However, for some politicians, the plan has been to game the system and break the rules. They have opened the borders and allowed law breakers into the country. They have refused to enforce the law, and they have given rights and privileges that should be reserved for legal citizens to the illegal border crossers, all in the name of compassion. But there is no compassion nor respect for the legal citizens who live here.
In October of 2013, the California legislature passed a law that was a poke in the eye to the legal citizens of California. It rewarded those who have broken the law, and it guaranteed that there will be more pressure for additional privileges.
Most citizens are not opposed to legal immigration, with legal being the most important word in that phrase. Legal means the immigrant is vetted, and that they will come with something to offer the host country, and that they promise to abide by the laws. That is not how it worked in 2013, and it is costing the state and the states taxpayers big piles of cash.
New program is costly and inappropriate, page 2:
Our govenor is piling it on..the taxpayers..shame on him and the legislature.
Leave it to cali
dumbama set it up so these illegal aliens will be able to vote dumorats in the election of a president. Proper ID should be mandatory to vote. Not like last time when there were so many absentee votes it took days to count and some were duplicates, also how can dead people vote, even absentee. And then there are his welfare queens who just got a big increase in benefits to vote for the Dumo,rats. That and how much more vote padding did they get done to put the traitor back in the White House for a second term?
It’s CA people!!!
Better lock and load if you want to end this type of nonsense.
WOW !! A MUST see movie, If they allow this to air it will be the biggest movie of the year!!
This new movie could be the Movie of the year ! !
Congress is trying to block it!
I’ve been posting the comment below for months now and just found this trailer
A MUST see movie, If they allow this to air it will be the biggest movie of the year!
Congress is trying to block it. This needs to go viral,
(original post.)
It goes even deeper…..European countries being terrorized by Muslim refugees while their leftist/liberal government tells them to be more tolerant and pushes social media sites to “crack down” on post that portray refugees in a negative way. They agreed, while at the same time allows ISIS to use its site to recruit new members.
The UN has a plan for a new world government, and now on the FBI terrorist watch list
” Evangelical Christian Extremist”
The current Obama administration with his sights set on a position in the UN, is creating situations that will cause economic failure, civil unrest and division between the people while at the same time creating an unresolvable debt and flooding the country with problematic “refugees” that will collect government aid and create more civil unrest. When it gets bad enough he can declare a state of emergency, instill Martial law and justify asking the UN forces to step in. When NATO forces are patrolling our streets….
They need votes for dem you are some kind of special stupid
Insurance companies run this country hello