The California State Assembly has passed a bill making August “Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month”. The bill was proposed by Assemblyman Bill Quirk (D-Hayward) and was supported by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). It passed unanimously on Monday.
Not only do you now have to appreciate Muslims you have to be aware of them. And not being aware of Muslims is like living in Compton and not being aware of the gunshots. This feels like what happened when Kublai Kahn took over China, “appreciate” the mongols or die.
While America hasn’t quite gotten that barbaric yet, this definitely feels like a step in the wrong direction. And the thought of it is racist in itself. Imagine what would happen if somebody were to propose a Christian or Catholic appreciation month? It would be called an exercise in intolerance.
Read the bill in full on the next page.
There are plenty of new Muslims here in Fort Worth as well, Susan Keck Higley. Does Sacramento have any there?
You guys are dumber then a bag of hammers. Where is the vets of america month or the police and firefighters month. Spare me your stupidity!!!!!!
Build your wall !!!
We just love all the rape child brides and terrorist attacks ya ok flipping bs
Those people in California vote these people in it tells you a lot about who they are that’s why the rest of the nation calls it Californication
muslim go home month
Anaheim has a shopping area along Brookhurst Ave catering to middle eastern tastes – a super market on Magnolia. Large mosque in nearby Garden Grove, SoCal. Don’t know about Sacramento. Heard refugees sent to San Diego, can’t verify.(thousand or so).
Glad I do not live there it is such a messed up state.