The California State Assembly has passed a bill making August “Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month”. The bill was proposed by Assemblyman Bill Quirk (D-Hayward) and was supported by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). It passed unanimously on Monday.
Not only do you now have to appreciate Muslims you have to be aware of them. And not being aware of Muslims is like living in Compton and not being aware of the gunshots. This feels like what happened when Kublai Kahn took over China, “appreciate” the mongols or die.
While America hasn’t quite gotten that barbaric yet, this definitely feels like a step in the wrong direction. And the thought of it is racist in itself. Imagine what would happen if somebody were to propose a Christian or Catholic appreciation month? It would be called an exercise in intolerance.
Read the bill in full on the next page.
Please stop this Muslims love!!! This is America!
Then I want them to be allowed to practice Sharia Law for that month as well and lets see what happens 🙂
What a pile of pig c**p. Calif has now completely down the toilet.
bowing to the devil , fools
Friggin morons! When these pukes take over America you supporters will be first in line to be murdered and reaped!!!
California, should no longer be a part of the U.S
F**k california i want it to burn