The California State Assembly has passed a bill making August “Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month”. The bill was proposed by Assemblyman Bill Quirk (D-Hayward) and was supported by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). It passed unanimously on Monday.
Not only do you now have to appreciate Muslims you have to be aware of them. And not being aware of Muslims is like living in Compton and not being aware of the gunshots. This feels like what happened when Kublai Kahn took over China, “appreciate” the mongols or die.
While America hasn’t quite gotten that barbaric yet, this definitely feels like a step in the wrong direction. And the thought of it is racist in itself. Imagine what would happen if somebody were to propose a Christian or Catholic appreciation month? It would be called an exercise in intolerance.
Read the bill in full on the next page.
I think gov. moon beam likes it up the rear end too !!!!!!
Bob Williams The Libs have gone absolutely insane. I will never understand the upside to bringing all these people into the country……
Too late – that happened years ago 🙁
I’ll have to remember that!! I’ll broadcast it! (y) Thanks
Seriously. Is this a joke.
Aug. muslim extermination and pig feefing month
That should go really well………May I guess whose idea that was ??
Is this guy for real???
Or is he being PAID to be this OBTUSE???
This is sickening.
Just shows you how Godless California really is.