California AG to Start Prosecuting Employers for Cooperating with ICE to take CRIMINAL Illegal Aliens Off the Street

California AG to Start Prosecuting Employers for Cooperating with ICE to take CRIMINAL Illegal Aliens Off the Street

The issue of state right’s has taken on a whole new meaning with the latest pushes by the Left to implement their ridiculous “sanctuary cities”. Or as the liberal cesspool is trying to do, make their entire state a debauched haven for lewd entertainment and lawlessness.

If ICE should up at the doorstep of your establishment and provides evidence your employees are illegal alien criminals, logic would mandate you turn them over or at the very least terminate their employment immediately.

But to California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D – of course), his office WILL now be making it illegal for good honest hard working employees to do their duty.

Citizens must follow the law UNLESS it interferes with the peace-of-mind of an ILLEGAL ALIEN.

Head on over to the next page to learn how you can now be the one thrown in jail if you refuse to hire illegal aliens or contact ICE!

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  1. Mary Barnes
  2. Sherry
  3. Bob
  4. Charles Still
  5. Alan
  6. Raul Sciaky

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