One of the biggest problems American voters have with politicians is that they seem to agree to one set of rules to which ordinary Americans must adhere and a completely different set for themselves. Americans have seen this time and time (and time) again, and it is one of the reasons that candidates such as Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders garner such enthusiastic support. It is also the reason that Hillary Clinton finds herself in hot water with the FBI right now.
Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton are exhibits A-Z on political hypocrisy. Even though Hillary Clinton mandated that everyone in her State Department use a email address for official business, she did not. While the Clintons are the prime example of hypocrisy, they are far from the only one. Members of Congress who supported the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) quietly granted themselves and their staff waivers from the government-run exchanges.
Now, the California State Senate has voted overwhelmingly to exempt itself from harsh gun laws that it chose to impose upon its own constituents.
To read more — and to learn how California is not the only state doing this — continue reading on the next page:
This is the exact reason you never hand them over.
Must be scared.
Well people we need to start voting these people out. I can’t believe half these people keep getting reelected
Folks, this is inaccurate information the bill referenced (SB610 – 2011) was corrected before the vote in the legislature.
Go figure?
I have a good idea, let’s give government more power. What could possibly go wrong?
Hypocrites !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to say this, but will the people with a brain, and sense of honestly please move out of calif. Ten the fireman and all those who are trying to save lives and homes. Then let the fires go to the ocean and maybe just maybe that one big earthquake will hit and the whole damn state fall in the ocean. I know how terrible it sounds but as long as the kids are out and the above ones are there is nothing worth saving. Before you send hate replies I don’t care about them. I just saying what a lot of others say behind closed doors
In other words we are better than they are. Never give up your guns.