Calif Lawmakers Exempt Themselves from the Strict Gun Laws they Created

Ever since the terrorist massacre at an Orlando nightclub — and the attack by Islamic extremists in San Bernardino, CA  — Democrats have been cracking down.

They haven’t been cracking down on terrorism, but instead on the Second Amendment rights of everyday Americans.  In California, however, lawmakers recently exempted themselves from the harsh gun control laws they imposed upon their constituents.

The California state Senate voted 28-8 Wednesday to exempt itself from the pointless gun-control laws that apply to the rest of the populace. Legislators apparently think they alone are worthy to pack heat on the streets for personal protection, and the masses ought to wait until the police arrive.

This is just one of many bills Golden State politicians used this legislative session to set themselves apart from the little people, the ones who pay their inflated salaries. Annual compensation for legislators averages about $140,000, not counting luxurious perks such as taxpayer-funded cars and free gasoline. By comparison, the average Californian earns $50,000 a year, and the unemployment rate is 11.9 percent – far above the national average. Exact salaries for state assemblymen and senators are obscured by the use of a “per diem” payment scheme that shelters a significant chunk of income from taxation.

Attempts by a handful of reformers to require politicians to provide a full annual disclosure of the benefits received from the public treasury have been rebuffed. Currently, government officials must file a statement of economic interests revealing income from any source other than a local, state or federal government agency. Gifts worth more than $50 also must be disclosed, but lawmakers rejected a bill that would have prohibited acceptance of concert and sporting event tickets, gift cards, spa treatments, golf outings and other benefits from lobbyists trying to buy votes.

Americans who don’t live on the Left Coast may feel as though they’ve dodged the proverbial bullet of strict and hypocritical gun control laws.

They have not.

Watch the video below to listen to U.S. Rep Charlie Rangel (D-NY) discuss why he should have the right to defend himself while members of his own district should not.

Source: Washington Times



  1. Michele
  2. James Maunsell
  3. David Barkley
  4. Wesley Franklin

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