One of the biggest problems American voters have with politicians is that they seem to agree to one set of rules to which ordinary Americans must adhere and a completely different set for themselves. Americans have seen this time and time (and time) again, and it is one of the reasons that candidates such as Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders garner such enthusiastic support. It is also the reason that Hillary Clinton finds herself in hot water with the FBI right now.
Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton are exhibits A-Z on political hypocrisy. Even though Hillary Clinton mandated that everyone in her State Department use a @state.gov email address for official business, she did not. While the Clintons are the prime example of hypocrisy, they are far from the only one. Members of Congress who supported the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) quietly granted themselves and their staff waivers from the government-run exchanges.
Now, the California State Senate has voted overwhelmingly to exempt itself from harsh gun laws that it chose to impose upon its own constituents.
To read more — and to learn how California is not the only state doing this — continue reading on the next page:
, of course they did. Straight out of$#%&!@*s Playbook how to take over a country remove citizens firearms
If anything they should be forbidden to own and carry firearms
Exactly. And its my understanding that its now mostly illegals that have stepped in and have taken Government jobs. How is that possible when they’re illegal?
By way of voting them into office WE THE PEOPLE have given politicians the privilege if serving us in government. YES, privilege is the operative word.
It’s not a RIGHT or mandate to do what they like. They are just ordinary people who by way of our good grace votes find themselves in the PRIVELEGED position of working for us. Tell me in what other field if business can the worker ( the elected politician ) tell his bosses what they can and can’t do.
They are almost all hypocritical,subpar intellectually parasitesWho if they weren’t sucking at the teat of the American people,they would starve to death.Because,the majority of them have neither the acumen or people skills to earn a living in the real world.There should be a strict limit on their time in office,their accrued income and benefits while in office and their powers.Frankly I wouldn’t let most of these idiots wash my car much less have the power over how certain aspects of my life is concerned.And the ones who make a “career”out of politics are a travesty of justice?The American political landscape needs a complete overhaulThe only person I presently trust in politics is President Trump and that’s because he’s not a politician.He is a proud American businessman who is trying to get America back on track and all of the traitorous,duplicitous leeches on the hill and around the country should just go find a corner sit in it and let him get on with his job✌
Recall these people or vote them out hate hypocrites!!! that’s how Democrates R I don’t vote or support hypocrites!!!