Vote recounts and conspiracy theories about Russian hacking are one thing, but the most ludicrous scheme devised by liberals in response to their loss has got to be the “Calexit” campaign. Taking their whining to a whole new level, some progressives have endeavoured to sever California from the union to punish the rest of us for electing Donald Trump as president.
The idea is absurd on the face of it and almost certainly doomed to failure, but the people advocating it are loud enough to raise concern that it may get more traction than one might foresee. We can only hope it remains a quixotic crusade and nothing serious comes of it.
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Let them go….that would be freedom of choice.
Let them leave the union then we can invade and make all the liberals refugees, they can go to Mexico.
Sounds good to me, just think about how much money we could save if tax payers didn’t have to give all that money to California every year.
The day it took effect California would be bankrupt and crying for aid to support all there illegal aliens .
Fat fingers again Should be Gadsen purchase and not garden
Perfect, draining the swamp,
What a joke…they must have a lot of money to throw away..
The question is are there enough people in CA to pay for the snowflakes and cupcakes with their hands out who will leave should this happen. If we could just got rid of LA, Bay Area and Sacramento we would be in good shape
The Russians are probably laughing themselves sick at the idea of a “Californian embassy”
Why don’t they just go off somewhere and play cowboys and Indians.the They don’t seem to be very grown up since they seem to want to play in a fantasy world. I could easily see any country laughing at their antics but not seriously commiting anything to such a joke. There must be some real money involved somewhere in this joke though.
Lol…Id10t Alarm.