Vote recounts and conspiracy theories about Russian hacking are one thing, but the most ludicrous scheme devised by liberals in response to their loss has got to be the “Calexit” campaign. Taking their whining to a whole new level, some progressives have endeavoured to sever California from the union to punish the rest of us for electing Donald Trump as president.
The idea is absurd on the face of it and almost certainly doomed to failure, but the people advocating it are loud enough to raise concern that it may get more traction than one might foresee. We can only hope it remains a quixotic crusade and nothing serious comes of it.
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So there lobbying to join russia? They will suppress liberalism and give it back…lol..hollytards 🙂 🙂
Hope and pray you are using your own money to do this amen
Just let California go its own way….let them exit. They can’t survive as part of the USA because of their stupid politicians, they sure won’t survive as an independent nation.
UNCONSTITUTIONAL, on a daily basis. That be THEM !
Yes leave now
Gerald Maynes it isn’t a theory, it is Constitutional law….actually, under Constitution, there is no government right to own land, only states.
Yes, and The Emporer of America lived in California!
I’m sorry. Where exactly is moscow at? Gosh what country would that be… oh that’s right it’s fucking Russia. You remember that Russia place. Dems say They had something to do with our election. Now democrats want to find shelter there. Lmao you can’t make this$#%&!@*up.
Just ignore all that trash. California a cesspool of scumbags that can’t there
Frigging opinions to there
Self. What a bunch of freak
Scumbag assholes.
once again Please invest in a primary history book. at the time of our founding States like Virgina,NewYor.k Connecticut Pennsylvania owned huge acreage, this was turned over to the Federal Government at the time of the Constitution. The Louisiana Purchase brought in new average this was turned over to the Federal Government and was turned into territories as was the original territory that was given to Federal Government . The lands that came out of the Mexican War by conquest or by the garden purchase was didivded into territories and administered by the Executive. So you theory does not hold water. All the States that were created after the original 13 went through this process on Federal lands not state lands. Good Gosh Gravy don’t they have History courses in California