CAIR is once again proving that they’re nothing but a farce — as if they needed any help.
The Council on American and Islamic Relations doesn’t exactly have a sterling reputation. The organization is categorized as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and isn’t faring much better in the United States. Domestically, the group has been linked to HAMAS and several other terrorist organizations.
Despite all of this, the left seem to have a soft spot for the organization. But that relationship may be put to the test this week.
In response to Donald Trump’s latest executive order on immigration, CAIR did the one thing that enrages the left more than anything else. They compared it to slavery.
See how they compared Trump’s plan to American slavery on the next page:
CAIR…………..your time is coming!
Fools! Read the Constitution and have someone intelligent explain it to CAIR terrorist organization!
If anyone knows about slavery it is muslims. They are still practicing it wherever muslims rule. This cancer must be rooted out of our country!
Non one cares what CAIR thinks
Your are a Muslim don’t push your$#%&!@*on the AMERICAN PEOPLE … there is plenty of land out there get what Your brother
I have said this before but CAIR is a terrorist group and this government needs to stop giving them money and declare they are terrorists!!! So sick of this.
It is ok for every other major country to have a border wall and limit their immigration but America. Yet,all the Muslims do once they get here is demand sharia law, demand special foods,demand jobs,demand money from the government. If they dont want to live under our laws and make their own living ,like 90% of the American people do. Pack your$#%&!@* go back to the where you came from and make your own country better and leave the united states alone. We didn’t ask you to come here,and you better stop making threats to our government and the American people, because believe me you really don’t want the American people to take matters into their own hands. As far as most of us are concerned you serve a barbaric religion and every one of you need to be exterminated with extreme prejudice. You don’t like what I say, oh well, my laws allow me to say what I feel. Don’t let the door hit you in the$#%&!@*on your way out. Bye felicia!!!!
You can put lipstick on a pig and make it look a little better, but there is no way to make any improvement on a Muslim Extremist other than get rid of them. That includes CAIR conspirators who plot to kill us all! This man should be gone yesterday!
Go home
It’s equivalent to the law!