CAIR is once again proving that they’re nothing but a farce — as if they needed any help.
The Council on American and Islamic Relations doesn’t exactly have a sterling reputation. The organization is categorized as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and isn’t faring much better in the United States. Domestically, the group has been linked to HAMAS and several other terrorist organizations.
Despite all of this, the left seem to have a soft spot for the organization. But that relationship may be put to the test this week.
In response to Donald Trump’s latest executive order on immigration, CAIR did the one thing that enrages the left more than anything else. They compared it to slavery.
See how they compared Trump’s plan to American slavery on the next page:
we to put them out now
Obummer declassified CAIr as a terrorist organization Trump ans to correct this
Its not even close to beheading people for different beliefs and this is comming from a man whos people still keep slaves .
Get out of this country you illegal p**s ant
They should put them in a prison where pork is the only food source maybe theyll eat each other
Cairo get the he’ll out of our country!
F**k you!!!!!!
Terrorist group
I don’t care about “CAIR”.
Cair is a Muslim racist organization. Islam is pure evil. Stupid liberal socialist are going to make America fall.