CAIR ( Council on American-Islamic Relations) is upset at Scott Walker (R) Presidential Candidate. Walker delivering a speech in Derby, New Hampshire, “offended” CAIR, and they are demanding an apology. Just what kind of hate filled language did Walker participate in that was so outrageous a public apology is needed?
If you want an EXAMPLE of the REAL MUSLIM WORLD just look at the Love they have for the CHRISTIANS in the Middle East!!
Well, it’s just too bad that they are upset. You spoke the truth, Scott. If they don’t like what we think of them here in AMERICA, they can most $#%&!@*uredly go to the Islamist countries and get out of our country.
scott tell him to kiss your big toe. And while he down kick him in the teeth.
Seems peaceful enough to me…
Killing people is violent .Way to go Scott
Your kidding!
The democratic congress approved the military going to the middle east. They have found WMD, if you libs would learn comprehension, facts, proof, logic, you would have known this FACT!
When the muslims line people up and show them being beheaded on face book.there are pretty sick peple.
They can kiss my grits … Islam stands for violence … that’s all they know