Get ready, America. If CAIR and their associated organizations haven’t already gained far too much mainstream visibility, now they’re trying to join forces with the media’s other darling, Black Lives Matter.
Their ultimate goal?
To stage a revolution — not just in America — but around the world.
They’ve no doubt already begun this so-called revolution, but their combined size and influence through our mindless media will no doubt bring them to heights not yet seen before, and far too great for an organization of thugs and extremists.
This, in combination with the “largest civil disobedience” protests the country has ever seen, promised by George Soros’ anti-Trump activists, may very well be a perfect storm situation, and all these leftist organizations need in order to silence both conservative politics and religious liberty.
If they succeed, the past few months’ worth of violent protests may be just the begining of something much, much more serious. See their plans on the next page:
Lets get the party started you libtard dumbasses
Both are terrorists groups and should be handled as such
They will kill you later.
Aren’t they gone yet? Maybe next week. Why are they allowed to exist in this country anyway? Oh, Obama!
Two terror groups, believable.
Cair are a Muslim terrorists and you need to be exterminated
They turn blacks into slaves. Go right ahead and join. If they get what they want your women will be the next sex slave and the men will be dead.
That is ok…..round them up in one group and it will save paperwork when they are deemed a terrorist group. PFFFFT!
I’ve been expecting this. It saves Soros from having to write two separate checks.