Get ready, America. If CAIR and their associated organizations haven’t already gained far too much mainstream visibility, now they’re trying to join forces with the media’s other darling, Black Lives Matter.
Their ultimate goal?
To stage a revolution — not just in America — but around the world.
They’ve no doubt already begun this so-called revolution, but their combined size and influence through our mindless media will no doubt bring them to heights not yet seen before, and far too great for an organization of thugs and extremists.
This, in combination with the “largest civil disobedience” protests the country has ever seen, promised by George Soros’ anti-Trump activists, may very well be a perfect storm situation, and all these leftist organizations need in order to silence both conservative politics and religious liberty.
If they succeed, the past few months’ worth of violent protests may be just the begining of something much, much more serious. See their plans on the next page:
Hotep has been warning against this stuff.
When the Germans were defeated, the Jews in Germany were seen as traitors because of their unique connection with international interests that had worked for Germany’s defeat. This exascerbated anti-Semitism which had existed in Germany for centuries. So, the German Jews were in trouble. They needed counties to emigrate to, and two such countries were the the US and Palestine. Trouble was, the US was passing laws for immigration restrictions about that time, and Palestine lacked the infrastructure for accepting large numbers of immigrants. The answer, in the opinion of the Jews, was for the US to take in all the Jewish immigrants that wanted to come. They lobbied the US government during the interwar years and during WW2, but the US retained immigration restrictions and Jews blamed the US for some of the Jewish losses during the war. Thay blamed the US, in spite of the fact that even more Jews would have been casualties if the US had not fought the war.
After the war, the Jews were determined to open up the US borders, so that “never again” would the US fail to take in anyone. In 1965 the “odious”, “racist” immigration restrictions were lifted during the LBJ administration, when every special interest with a sob story got their “rights” written into law. ( And now, 5 trillion dollars later, … ) The issue of loyalty is central to your question. Political groups in America should work for American interests. Many of the Jewish groups of a political nature in America have ties to Israel. One of their activities is to work for immigration of Jews from other countries to the US and Israel, but in order to keep the US borders open to Jews, the borders also have to be open for everyone else, since we can’t have discrimination. So, the borders are open to the third world, and the third world is invading. And, not to forget Palestine, now that millions of Jews have immigrated there, displacing Arabs, we find that we have made enemies for ourselves there, since the Arabs perceive something akin to an umbilical cord between the US and Israel. JEWS 2%, BLACK PAWNS 12%, MUSLIM 1%: TOTAL POPULATION IN U.S. SO FAR EQUALS 15% ALL GLOBAL FABIAN SOCIALIST .A/K/A COMMUNIST EUROPEAN JEWS.
Terrorists of a Feather Flock Together.
Useful idiots…
On what, getting an education??? We can only hope…
Shut Clare Down shut them down send in the back across the big pond
There is much evil afoot in the world.
If they merge, as soon as muslims get what & where they want to be, they’ll slaughter every blm member before nightfall. They will be the last group standing in the name of Ollie snackbar. Dont think for a single moment that cair has any loyalty to anyone but themselves and world$#%&!@*