During an interview on Friday on CNN, Hussar Ayloush, a spokesman for the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR, boldly stated that America bears some of the blame for the bloody wave of Islamic extremism that brought terrorism to San Bernardino, Paris and other locations around the world.
As much as you might want to disagree with everything he said, it’s hard to deny that there’s some truth to that statement. Ayloush said that American foreign policy has helped fuel the rage that drives Muslim radicals to kill in the name of their faith.
Let’s examine that statement. How often has American foreign policy involved using our enemies to topple regimes or take out foreign leaders? Even before the disaster that is the Obama Administration armed the Syrian rebels that would later become ISIS, our government has been doing the same exact thing.
Chris Cuomo, the host of the CNN show that featured Hussar Ayloush had nothing to say in response. Though some of Ayloush’s observations about American foreign policy are correct, the cause for extremism doesn’t lie on America’s shoulders alone.
See who’s really to blame on the next page.
I have one thing to say$#%&!@*Off and go back to the$#%&!@*hole you came from.
CAIR islamic muslim jihadist terrorists. Go back to the desert.
CARE and it’s spokesman are utterly ridiculous.
Again public tactics of the muslim brotherhood to make the victims responsible for their satan worshipers beliefs that they can do anything they want to non-believers like they have through out history. The bible said there was one following Jesus that was the anti christ. That was Mohammad and his twisted evil Koran laws to spend their entire lives killing or converting everyone to Satan. The UN plan to hand this world over to the radical islamic cult followers has been well planned, funded and in action right now.
You need to leave the United States and take the rest of them with you
Run em out of the country!!’
WHY LISTEN TO THE FARTS Of those that want to destroy you???? ignore and don’t give these creeps any credibility.or platform.
Sounds a lot like the Obama nation. Today generation american is the same way . No personal responsibility for anything including their own actions or survival . It’s everyone else’s fault and responsibility.
CAIR is a terrorist organization.